Tag Archive for: Society

Speculative Design for Ecocentric Innovation
Why our idea of sustainable innovation is driven by anthropocentrism? And how can new design orientation help to shift to ecocentrism?

Wounded Boys and Men – Masculinity in American Culture
Do you find Americans aggressive? See how American culture defines masculinity and you may change your point of view, or at least look at things from another angle

A letter from my Chinese student
To my current and future students: a brief intercultural analysis by my former student having became a truly international woman.

Do women contribute to the glass ceiling and how?
The gender pay gap exists. Breaking the glass ceiling seems impossible. But how can women solve this sociological issue?

Why people are (always) looking for a new job?
Over half or maybe even 3/4 of the population in the nowadays world is not satisfied and undergo constant discomfort in their job

What value is most important to people in each country?
Have you ever wondered how each country forms your values? Infographic "No.1 VALUES IN EVERY COUNTRY": 80,000 people told what they value most in life

Reality of corporate meetings and of notion “expert” (video sketch)
A parody of a corporate meeting characterizing nowadays society and its business codes and attitudes — whatever the culture!
Laughs and good food for thought in the same video
Tag Archive for: Society

Programs “Social Intelligence and Intercultural Ethics”
Examples of educational programs for schools, universities, (Executive) MBA, Masters and training programs for business

Teaching and Training: “Social Intelligence & Intercultural Ethics”
'Out of the box' training for a better coexistence in society ✦ Pedagogical method by Anton Malafeev: "Social Ethics at School & in Business"
Tag Archive for: Society

The Human Society…
The human society in all its splendor (caricatures gallery for better understanding)

Capitalism or Human Greed?
What's the link between the greed in human nature and our beloved capitalism (caricatures gallery for better understanding)